ABC on oils: Definitions and characteristics of oils Where does petroleum come from? Use of oils Quantities (extraction, production, consumption, amounts entering the marine environment)
Sources: How do oil products become pollutants in the coastal and marine environment? Natural sources Land-based sources Sea-based sources
Effects: What happens with oils in water? Oil damage in the coastal and marine environment: Wildlife - Habitats - Human health - Economy
Measures: Ways to prevent or combat oil pollution in the marine environment Prevention on land Prevention at sea Combatting at sea Combatting in the coastal zone (sea-land interface)
FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions about oils in the marine environment
Oils glossary: Brief explanations of about 100 oil-related words and terms, with links to more information
Read more! List of web sites of organizations with much information on oil and marine oil pollution issues
Related issues Briefly about other shipping-related issues/problems.

Framework for action:

Framework for action
Global agreements (conventions, action plans).
Global actors.
Framework for action:
Regional and national action and actors: Agreements, actors, practical action, etc. by region (21 regions/seas worldwide).
What people do globally, regionally and nationally, to prevent discharges and damage by oil in the marine environment.
Guide to documents on marine oil pollution.
Kids on how to avoid marine oil pollution.
Contacts. Regional Seas secretariats and contacts
About the site and the GPA.
OTHER GPA NODES The Global Marine Oil Pollution Information Gateway is one of nine pollutant source category nodes of the UNEP GPA Clearing-House Mechanism — visit other GPA nodes
SEARCH Search the entire UNEP GPA system for oil-related concepts.