The Global Marine Litter Information Gateway is one of nine pollutant source category nodes of the UNEP GPA Clearing-House Mechanism.
This mechanism is intended to provide "a one-stop method that promotes the advertising, discovery, access, dissemination and use of GPA related information and data held by numerous organizations using the decentralized capabilities of the Internet". There are different kinds of information nodes, and various approaches:
  • Pollutant Source Category Nodes [GPA list] – see also below
  • Regional Nodes [GPA list]
  • National nodes [GPA list]
  • Other GPA Nodes [GPA list]

Pollutant source category nodes presently available:
  • Sewage [Lead Agency: World Health Organization, WHO. Node provided by WHO and Sanitation Connection Partners];
  • Persistent organic pollutants [ Lead Agency: UNEP. Node provided by UNEP];
  • Radioactive substances [Lead Agency: International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA. Node provided by IAEA];
  • Heavy metals [Lead Agency: UNEP. Node provided by UNEP];
  • Marine litter [Lead Agency: International Maritime Organization, IMO];
  • Oils (hydrocarbons) [Lead Agency: UN International Maritime Organization, IMO];
  • Nutrients [Lead Agency: Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO. Node provided by FAO];
  • Sediment mobilization [Lead Agency: Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO. Node provided by FAO];
  • Physical alterations and destruction of habitats [Lead Agency: UNEP].

Regional nodes presently available:
  • UNEP Caribbean Environment Programme [CEP];
  • South Pacific Regional Environment Programme [SPREP]; and
  • Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment [PAME]).

National nodes (National action programmes) presently available:
Other GPA nodes presently available:
The four main GPA Clearing-House approaches are:

Pollutant Source Categories. Designated by the GPA, along with a designated lead agency that is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the node for that pollutant source category. These nodes address the problems of:

Regional Seas. The UNEP regional seas programmes have been incorporated into the Clearing-House to provide a regional and national framework and perspectives for the GPA information and data. It is envisaged that most of the UNEP Regional Seas will become GPA clearing-house nodes.

Coastal Zone Management Framework. While looking at the structure and approach to implementing the GPA, there is a need incorporate the coastal zone management framework into the implementation strategy. This model will be incorporated into the structure of the GPA Clearing-House to facilitate a logical approach, especially for professionals, to the access of information and data.

Economic Sectors Nodes. Another approach to categorizing GPA related information is by economic sector. Using economic sectors — Industry, Agriculture, Energy, Trade and Services, Households, Transport, Tourism, Harbour Development, Urban Development, Forestry, River-basin Management, and Coastal Zone Management — as a framework is especially useful for users to quickly find needed information using a common and intuitive approach.