Wider Caribbean

International actors and agreements in the region

See Global action.

UNEP Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (ROLAC). ••>

UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). ••>

Small Island Developing States Network (SIDSnet). ••>

UNEP Regional Seas Programme. ••>

UNEP Global programme of action for the protection of the marine environment from land-based activities (UNEP GPA). ••>

Regional conventions, agreements, action plans and actors

Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region (Cartagena Convention) • Caribbean Regional Co-ordinating Unit (CAR/RCU). ••>

Caribbean Action Plan. ••>

Caribbean Environment Programme. ••>

Latin American Agreement on Port State Control. ••>

Orgnisation of East Caribbean States. ••>

Private sector and NGOs actors and initiatives

Rainforest Action Network (RAN): Oil report: Amazon

Clean Caribbean Coooperative. ••>

Latin Petroleum Analytics (LAPA). ••>

Regional Association of Oil and Natural Gas Companies in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARPEL). ••>

Acción de Lucha Anti-petrolera (ADELA). ••>

Caribbean Conservation Association (CCA). ••>

Ocean Conservancy. ••>

Refinery Reform Campaign. ••>

Oilwatch. ••>

International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (ITOPF). ••>

International Directory of Oil Spill Cleanup Contractors and Response Organisations. ••>

International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA). ••>

Regional reports on the state of the marine and coastal environment

CAR/RCU: Marine issues in the Caribbean. Summary of the state of the environment in the Caribbean region, published by CAR/RCU.

UNEP: Caribbean Environment Outlook. Part of a UNEP project (1999) to produce state of the environment assessments for the countries of the Caribbean, Western Indian Ocean and Pacific Islands. The objective of the CEO is to provide information on the state of the environment in the Caribbean, help identify regional environmental concerns and highlight policy priorities.

UNEP GPA: Assessment of Land-based Sources and Activities Affecting the Marine, Coastal and Associated Freshwater Environment in the Wider Caribbean Region.

UNEP GPA: Wider Caribbean (brief description of environmental state, priority issue).

UNEP: Global Environment Outlook 3 (GEO3). Coastal and marine areas.

University of Rhode Island: Large Marine Ecosystems (LME): The Wider Caribbean includes two LMEs - the Caribbean Sea LME and the Gulf of Mexico LME. University of Rhode Island. (See also book (1999) - not available online - "Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem: Assessment, Sustainability and Management".

National action

U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). ••>

U.S. Coast Guard. ••>

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ••>

U.S. Offshore Minerals Management. ••>

The IXTOC I exploratory well blew out in June 1979 in the Bay of Campeche off Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico. By the time the well was brought under control in 1980, an estimated 140 million gallons of oil had spilled into the bay.

The IXTOC I is currently in second position on the all-time list of largest oil spills of all-time.

Text and photo: © NOAA Office of Response and Restoration.