Caspian Sea

International actors and agreements in the region

See Global action and Global actors.

UNEP Regional Seas Programme. ••>

UNEP Global programme of action for the protection of the marine environment from land-based activities (UNEP GPA). ••>

UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. ••>

UNEP Regional Office for Europe. ••>

Regional conventions, agreements, action plans and actors

Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea (Teheran Convention). ••>

Caspian Environment Programme (CEP) • Programme Coordinating Unit (PCU). ••>

Caspian Environment Programme: National Caspian Action Plans (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Iran).

Caspian Regional Thematic Centres (CRTC), including CRTC for Emergency Response. ••>

Private sector and NGOs actors and initiatives

Caspian Development and Export. Official documents about the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyan pipeline, including environmental impact assessments, are available here. Site hosted by British Petroleum (BP).

Initiative for Social Action and Renewal in Eurasia (ISAR): ISAR Caspian Programme. ••>

International Institute for Caspian studies. ••>

Oilwatch. ••>

Regional reports on the state of the marine and coastal environment

Caspian Environment Programme: Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TD) for the Caspian Sea, vol I. (ZIP FILE !)

Caspian Environment Programme: Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TD) for the Caspian Sea, vol II. (ZIP FILE !)

Caspian Environment Programme: Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TD) for the Caspian Sea, vol III. (ZIP FILE !)

Caspian Environment Programme: Caspian environmental issues. See, e.g., information on pollution: Pollution sources, especially Coastal and offshore industry

Caspian Environment Programme: Oil contamination in the Caspian Sea (ZIP FILE !). See also other technical reports by CEP on oil pollution, including the one on Environmental management in the Caspian oil industry (ZIP FILE !).

UNEP GRID-Arendal: Caspian Environment. Report based on, e.g., the TDA.

UNEP GRID-Arendal: Caucasus Environment Outlook Report 2002: Caspian Sea

UNEP GRID-Arendal: Central & Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia (ENRIN). National State of the Environment reports for Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

European Environment Agency (EEA): State of the environment reporting system (SERIS). See country reports for Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

UNEP: Global Environment Outlook 3 (GEO3). Coastal and marine areas.

Children's drawing of Caspian seals. This image is part of a mobile environmental museum of the local Azerbaijani NGO Gulum.

See also more images on the web site of ISAR, the Initiative for Social Action and Renewal in Eurasia.

The photo is from the photo gallery provided by the Caspian Environment Programme.

Photo: © Caspian Environment Programme